7 July 2014 10:45 AM

Twelve More Summer Math Ideas

by rbavaria
Summer’s for slowing down, not shutting down. Last week I shared with you thirteen fun activities that can keep kids’ math skills from atrophying over the summer. Today, here are twelve more. These are among the most popular tips from the Dr. Rick Blog’s summer series, and you’ve asked me to repeat them. Here they are. Add them to last week’s thirteen. [More]
30 June 2014 08:00 AM

Thirteen Summer Math Ideas

by rbavaria
There’s a ton of research on summer learning loss; Google it, and you’ll see all kinds of studies that verify what our common sense tells us. Kids without brain-stimulating summer activities can lose a quarter of the skills they’ve just mastered in school. And for some reason, math skills are the quickest forgotten.

Here’s a list of thirteen suggestions you can try. [More]
23 June 2014 08:00 AM

More Thoughts on Summer Reading

by rbavaria
Summer’s for slowing down not shutting down. That’s the summer mantra at the Dr. Rick Blog. Last week we discussed some cool summer reading activities specifically for the “hams” in the family, those kids who enjoy being in the spotlight. Today, let’s focus on those quieter kids, the ones who just need our gentle and continuous encouragement to keep up their reading skills while still having summer fun.

Here are a few reading ideas I know will work; they've worked for the kids in my life for years. In the next couple of summer weeks, we’ll discuss other skills – math, spelling, writing – but for now, it’s reading. [More]
16 June 2014 08:00 AM

Summer Reading for Hams

by rbavaria
Here are some amusing projects that are guaranteed to appeal to the hams in the family, your fledgling entertainers, comics, and tragedians. Theses projects all have reading at their core. We know that reading is one of the fundamental skills – maybe the fundamental skill – we want to encourage when school’s out. [More]
9 June 2014 08:00 AM

Some Fun Summer Activities

by rbavaria
For the next several weeks, we’ll be discussing enjoyable summer activities that will keep kids’ minds and bodies active. They’ll help keep math, reading, and writing skills sharp, too, although I strongly advise against telling the kids that. I’ll share, in some detail, ideas I’ve developed over the years, some ideas from other parents and teachers, and some ideas that seem promising. [More]
26 May 2014 08:00 AM

Independent Thinking in School

by rbavaria
Here’s what I do with groups to encourage and nurture independent thinking. Before, during, and after teams work together, a little bit of quiet reflective time helps immeasurably. [More]
19 May 2014 08:00 AM

Team Work in School

by rbavaria
Ask adults what skills they want their children to have, and I’ll bet among the top ten will be something along the lines of “the ability to work and get along with others.”

Working effectively, productively, and civilly with others is necessary in school, at work, in the neighborhood, and at home. Educators work to get kids to learn with and from each other, bosses work to get their employees to be productive together, and moms and dads work to keep the household running with everyone pitching... [More]

Dr. Rick In The News

WMARabc2news.com - March 2, 2011
Baltimore Celebrates Read Across America

WMARabc2news.com - March 2, 2011
Read Across America Interview

The Friday Flyer - February 18, 2011
Parents can Nurture the Love of Reading

Multiples and More - July 5, 2010
Expert Post: Dr. Rick of Sylvan Learning

Examiner.com - May 15, 2010
Summer Skill Sharpeners

Blog Posting Rules

This blog is for the good of education - for students, for teachers and for parents. I very much value a two-way communication with you and welcome and encourage your comments and feedback. However, to facilitate a constructive conversation that is beneficial to everyone in this online community, I expect the same respect in your comments that I present in my blog.

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